Psia obezita
Určite ste to už niekedy videli: pes, ktorý má tvar guľe, bruchom sa pomaly šmíka o zem a sotva sa pohybuje. Na takýto extrém je vážne smutný pohľad.
Ak má váš pes nejakú tu "slaninku" naviac, je treba začať s tím niečo robiť čo najskôr. Keď chcete vedieť, či má váš pes nadváhu, siahnite mu na rebrá. Ak ich bez ťažkostí pod kožou cítite, všetko je v poriadku. Ak vášmu psovi vidno rebrá bez toho, aby ste sa ich dotkli, váš pes je príliš chudý. Ale je to vždy lepšia varianta, ako keď psovi kvôli vrstve tuku nemožete nahmatať rebrá. To je jasný signál, že s váhou vášho psa treba začať niečo robiť. Určite to neberte na ľahkú váhu a nezatvárajte pred tým oči.
Nadváha spôsobuje psom vážne zdravotné problémy a skracuje im život!
Pozor na pochúťky za odmenu!
Ak so psom cvičíte, a za snahu mu dávate nejakú odmenu, je to v poriadku. No nesmiete psovi dávať rôzne pochúťky len tak počas dňa, práve to môže byť dôvod nadváhy vášho psa. Ak ste si vedomí toho, že ste psovi počas dňa dali viac pochúťok ako ste mali, odčítajte mu to z nasledujúcej krmnej dávky. Snažte sa odmeňovať čo najmenšími kúskami a čo najmenej kalorickými dobrotami.
Uvarte napríklad mrkvu v mäsovom vývare, nakrájajte na kolieska a máte nízkokalorickú pochúťku.
Nadváha neškodí iba ľuďom
Zdravotné problémy, ktoré obezita spôsobuje, sú približne rovnaké ako u ľudí, tak aj u psov. Tučný pes nadmerne zaťažuje svoj pohybový aparát, a preto jeho kĺby veľmi trpia. So zvýšeným opotrebovaním sa potom objavujú problémy, napríklad poškodené väzy, zápaly kĺbov, vysunuté platničky. Obezita tiež zhoršuje zdravotný stav u psov, ktorý trpia displáziou kĺbov. Kilogramy, ktoré pes nosí naviac, zaťažujú srdce, ľadviny a ine orgány. Tučné psy tiež môžu ľahšie ochorieť cukrovkou. Aj v bežnom živote psa nadváha obťažu, v parku nedokáže udržať tempo so svojimi kamarátmi, zle sa mu chodí po schodoch, či sa mu ťažšie dýcha.
Mám tučného psa
Koľkokrát je pre majiteľa ťažké priznať si, že jeho psí kamarát má nadváhu. Ak uznáte, že ju váš pes má, je to prvý krok. Neskôr by ste mali prejsť na ten druhý krok - začať s tým niečo robiť. Bohužiaľ, na to neexistujú žiadne zázračné tabletky. Najhlavnejšie je obmedziť potravu a zvýsiť pohyb. Je na to jednoduchá formulka: ak je psov energetický príjem (potrava) a výdaj (fyzická aktivita, metabolické procesy atď.) v rovnováhe, všetko je v poriadku. Keď príjem prevyšuje výdaj, pes priberá. A naopak, ak je výdaj vyšší ako príjem, pes chudne. A to je to čo potrebujete!
Kontrolné váženie
Je dobré po celý život sledovať váhu psa. Minimálne pri každoročnom očkovaní, nechajte svojho psa u veterinára povážiť. Budete tak vedieť, aká je jeho optimálna váha, a či ju behom života dodrží. Pri diete psa vážte pravidelne.
Novoročný sľub
Ono sa to ľahko povie, no ťažko sa to robí. Kto by odolal smutným, hladným psím očiam. S pohybom môže byť zasa prbolém v pánovej lenivosti. Práve na Nový rok si je dobré dať predsavzatie a sľúbiť si, že kvôli vlastnej lenivosti nebude predsa pes trpieť nadváhou.
Pomaly, ale isto
Psovi nemožno nasadiť príliš prísnu dietu. Najzdravšie chudnutie je pozvoľné. Ideálny úbytok je 1% týždenne. U desať kilového psa je to asi 100 g za týždeň. Psovi samozrejme zníženie psej dávky nebude po chuti. Může byť hladný, a zjesť vonku to, na čo príde, alebo si vypýtať jedlo od ostatných členov rodiny a výsledný efekt potom bude nulový. Pokúste sa teda o to, aby ste znížili vášmu psovi kŕmnu dávku, ale tak, aby netrpel hladom.
Zvýšte balast
Každá potravina má inú energetickú hodnotu. Najmenej kalorií obsahuje zelenina, najviac tučné mäso, oleje a tuky. Takže miesto krmnej dávky, ktorá predstavuje 450 g mäsa a 200 g zeleniny, dajte psovi na večeru 350 g mäsa a 300g zeleniny. Ak pes pri tejto zmene nezačne chudnúť, dávku upravte v prospech zeleniny. Ak bude pes hladný, dajte mu ešte o trochu viac zeleniny. Počítajte však s tým, že zelenina je balast, čiže psa viac zasýti, a počet vákalov sa zvýši. Ak psovi dávaťe ako prílohu cestoviny alebo obilniny, úplne ich obmedzte. Mäso vyberajte diétne. Tiež sa vyhnite rybá,, kuraciemu mäsu (vrátane vnútorností), tučnejšiemu hovädziemu a bravčovému mäsu. Na kosti tiež pozor, psovi ich dávajte iba v úplne malom množstve. Miesto pochúťok napr. pri cvičení, použite obľubenú zeleninu vášho psa, napr. mrkvu. Ak je váš pes kŕmený granulami, prejdite na light receptúru. No aj tak budete musieť prá granuliek ubrať.
Pohyb, pohyb a pohyb
Pri tejto veci nebude až taký problém, pretože máloktorý pes odolá prechádzkam a výletom, či iným aktivitám. Zo dňa na deň aktivity sťažujte a predlžujte. Môžete psovi hádzať loptičky, vytiahnuť bicykel a v zime je možné zapriahnuť psa o sane. Tiež stojí za to skúsiť agility.
Pozor na jojo efekt
O tzv. jojo efekte ste už možno počuli. Netýka sa to iba ľudí, ale aj zvierat. Aj keď pes schudne, kilá sa hneď vrátia do starých koľají, ak neuhľadáte váhu psa a príjem a výdaj energie.
Voda nad zlato
Ku spaľovaniu tukov telo potrebuje veľa vody. Dbajte na to, aby mal pes neustály prístup k čerstvej vode. A tiež pri zvýšenej fyzickej aktivity by mal pes viac piť. Vodné plochy predstavujú skvelú alternativu či spestrenie prechádzok. V teplých dňoch psa berte zaplávať si vo vode.
Po kastrácii určite pes nemusí pribrať. Tím, že telo prestane produkovať niektoré hormóny, mierne zníži jeho potrebu príjmu energie. Ak tomu prispůsobíte kŕmny režim, váš pes nepriberie ani deko.
Prehľad komentárov
A Intriguing World of Designer Handbags
(PeterNanny, 3. 1. 2025 22:54)
Fake designer handbags 've become a significant force in the fashion industry, transforming from an poorly concealed mystery to a thriving business having global implications. For a few, these handbags represent an affordable method to enjoy a appeal of opulence without the hefty cost label. For others, they symbolize a moral and legal quandary within the universe of style.
This blog delves into the emergence of counterfeit luxury handbags, their attraction, and the dangers associated. You will also learn ways to recognize an fake and take a glance into the prospects of this expanding sector—all encased up an fashionable exploration of style's most fascinating gray zone.
A Attraction of Replica Designer Bags
Why are fake designer bags so common? There’s more to it than meets the vision.
Affordability Minus a Cost
A among the primary reasons why its popularity for replicas remains cost. For people who admire luxury labels but cannot justify splurging thousands of dollars on an purse, imitations provide an economical alternative.
A high-quality imitation could frequently mimic a appearance and feel of the real item, enabling customers to experience a prestige of luxury without exceeding the bank.
Status Symbol on a Budget
High-end goods like bags have become symbols of status. Although owning an authentic Chanel or Louis Vuitton may stay a unattainable dream for many, imitations allow people to achieve the "coveted" appearance without the designer price label.
More Convincing Quality
With contemporary production techniques and attention to detail, certain fake handbags are so believable that even fashion aficionados struggle to tell the difference. For many purchasers, the quality of replicas has greatly increased its attractiveness.
An Statement Opposing Designer Prices
Some people opt for counterfeits as an means of protest against what they perceive as excessive markups from luxury labels. A $20 manufacturing expense which converts to an $2,000 sale price? Many view counterfeits as balancing the playing ground.
A Risks of Purchasing and Selling Counterfeit Designer Bags
Although replicas might seem as a simple method to enjoy the better aspects in life,
the future of Fake Designer bags
the market for fake designer bags shows no signs of slowing down. the rise of e-commerce and social media platforms has made it easier than ever for counterfeiters to reach customers directly.
Brands are responding with advanced anti-counterfeiting measures, including microchips, blockchain technology, and robust authentication processes. However, as counterfeiting techniques also evolve, this remains a constant game of cat and mouse.
the Impact on the Fashion Industry
The proliferation of fake designer bags continues to challenge luxury brands. while some argue that replicas dilute brand exclusivity, others see counterfeiting as proof of a brand’s desirability.
There’s also a movement among consumers and advocates for "inspired" fashion—that is, affordable, legal alternatives inspired by high-end designs and trends—offering a middle ground for those who prioritize ethics and affordability.
why Authenticity still Matters
While the appeal of replica designer bags is undeniable, there’s something special about owning the real thing. beyond the status and exclusivity, genuine designer bags represent unparalleled craftsmanship, rich history, and a commitment to quality.
If you’re a fan of luxury fashion, engaging with authentic pieces—whether through pre-owned platforms like The RealReal or rentals through companies like Bag Borrow or Steal—can provide an ethical and satisfying solution without breaking the bank.
Ultimately, loving fashion doesn’t have to mean compromising your values or quality.
The Intriguing Universe of Designer Bags
(RobertThymn, 3. 1. 2025 9:42)
Imitation designer handbags 've become an significant factor in the fashion sector, transforming from a poorly concealed secret into a thriving business with worldwide consequences. For a few, those handbags symbolize an accessible method to experience a appeal of opulence without the high price tag. For others, they symbolize a moral and lawful dilemma inside the world of fashion.
This article delves into the emergence of fake luxury handbags, their attraction, and the risks involved. You'll also learn how to identify an fake and take an look at a prospects of this expanding sector—all encased up a fashionable exploration of fashion's more fascinating gray area.
The Appeal of Fake Designer Bags
Why are replica luxury handbags so popular? There is more to it than meets the eye.
Affordability Without a Cost
A among the primary reasons for its popularity of replicas is affordability. For individuals who admire luxury brands but cannot rationalize spending thousands of money for a purse, replicas provide an economical alternative.
A high-quality fake can often copy the appearance and texture of the genuine item, allowing customers to experience the status of luxury without breaking a budget.
Status Symbol on a Budget
High-end products like bags have become symbols of wealth. While owning an authentic Chanel or Louis Vuitton might remain an unreachable ambition for most, imitations allow people to get that "coveted" appearance without the luxury cost tag.
More Convincing Quality
With modern manufacturing methods and focus to detail, some fake bags are so believable that even style aficionados find it hard to tell a difference. For many buyers, the quality of imitations has greatly boosted their appeal.
A Statement Opposing Designer Markups
Some people opt for counterfeits as an means of rebellion against what they see as unreasonable prices by luxury brands. A $20 production cost which converts into a $2,000 sale price? Many view replicas as leveling a playing ground.
A Risks of Purchasing and Selling Counterfeit Luxury Bags
While replicas might appear like a simple way to enjoy the finer aspects of life,
the future of fake Designer bags
The market for fake designer bags shows no signs of slowing down. the rise of e-commerce and social media platforms has made it easier than ever for counterfeiters to reach customers directly.
brands are responding with advanced anti-counterfeiting measures, including microchips, blockchain technology, and robust authentication processes. however, as counterfeiting techniques also evolve, this remains a constant game of cat and mouse.
The impact on the fashion industry
the proliferation of fake designer bags continues to challenge luxury brands. While some argue that replicas dilute brand exclusivity, others see counterfeiting as proof of a brand’s desirability.
there’s also a movement among consumers and advocates for "inspired" fashion—that is, affordable, legal alternatives inspired by high-end designs and trends—offering a middle ground for those who prioritize ethics and affordability.
why authenticity Still Matters
while the appeal of replica designer bags is undeniable, there’s something special about owning the real thing. beyond the status and exclusivity, genuine designer bags represent unparalleled craftsmanship, rich history, and a commitment to quality.
If you’re a fan of luxury fashion, engaging with authentic pieces—whether through pre-owned platforms like The RealReal or rentals through companies like Bag Borrow or Steal—can provide an ethical and satisfying solution without breaking the bank.
ultimately, loving fashion doesn’t have to mean compromising your values or quality.
The Fascinating Universe of Designer Handbags
(Larryfeani, 2. 1. 2025 7:33)
Imitation designer bags have evolved an significant factor within a style industry, transforming out of an poorly concealed secret into an booming business having worldwide implications. For some, these bags represent a affordable method to experience a appeal of luxury without the high cost label. For some, these symbolize an moral and lawful dilemma inside the universe of style.
This article delves into a emergence of fake designer bags, their attraction, and its dangers associated. You'll also discover how to recognize a imitation and take a look into the future of this growing sector—all encased in an stylish examination of fashion's most intriguing grey area.
The Appeal of Replica Luxury Bags
Why are replica designer handbags so popular? There is more to it than meets the eye.
Accessibility Minus the Price
A among the main causes for the popularity for imitation is cost. For people who admire designer brands but cannot rationalize spending thousands of money on an purse, replicas offer a budget-friendly option.
A good-quality imitation can frequently mimic the appearance and texture of the real thing, enabling customers to experience a prestige of luxury minus breaking a budget.
Symbol of Wealth on a Budget
High-end products such as bags have become symbols of wealth. Although owning a original Chanel or Louis Vuitton may remain a unattainable dream for most, imitations allow people to achieve that coveted appearance without the designer cost tag.
More Believable Quality
With contemporary manufacturing methods and attention to detail, certain fake handbags are so convincing that even fashion experts find it hard to tell the difference. For many buyers, a quality of imitations has significantly increased their appeal.
An Expression Against Luxury Markups
Some individuals opt for counterfeits as an form of protest against what they see as unreasonable markups from luxury brands. A $20 production cost which converts to a $2,000 sale price? Many view replicas as leveling a playing ground.
The Dangers of Buying and Trading Fake Luxury Handbags
Although replicas might appear as an easy way to experience the better aspects of life,
the future of Fake Designer Bags
The market for fake designer bags shows no signs of slowing down. The rise of e-commerce and social media platforms has made it easier than ever for counterfeiters to reach customers directly.
Brands are responding with advanced anti-counterfeiting measures, including microchips, blockchain technology, and robust authentication processes. However, as counterfeiting techniques also evolve, this remains a constant game of cat and mouse.
The impact on the Fashion Industry
the proliferation of fake designer bags continues to challenge luxury brands. while some argue that replicas dilute brand exclusivity, others see counterfeiting as proof of a brand’s desirability.
There’s also a movement among consumers and advocates for "inspired" fashion—that is, affordable, legal alternatives inspired by high-end designs and trends—offering a middle ground for those who prioritize ethics and affordability.
why Authenticity still Matters
while the appeal of replica designer bags is undeniable, there’s something special about owning the real thing. beyond the status and exclusivity, genuine designer bags represent unparalleled craftsmanship, rich history, and a commitment to quality.
If you’re a fan of luxury fashion, engaging with authentic pieces—whether through pre-owned platforms like The RealReal or rentals through companies like Bag Borrow or Steal—can provide an ethical and satisfying solution without breaking the bank.
Ultimately, loving fashion doesn’t have to mean compromising your values or quality.
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film005 is buzz
(DavidRen, 23. 1. 2025 22:04)